Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for Windows (6.6) (HIT5201-96005, April 2011)

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
3.9 Uninstalling HDLM
This section explains how to return the operating environment to the way it was before
HDLM was installed.
3.9.1 Preparations for HDLM Uninstallation
Back up all the data on the host where HDLM is installed. Also, if necessary, back
up the data on the management target device.
If firewall exceptions have been registered by using the firewall_setup
command, remove them. Make sure that you do not use another Hitachi
Command Suite product to manage the host after uninstalling HDLM.
For details about the
firewall_setup command, see (1) firewall_setup
command syntax in 3.5.8 Firewall Settings for Managing HDLM by Using
Global Link Manager.
3.9.2 Notes on Uninstalling HDLM
Note the following when uninstalling HDLM:
Depending on the environment, uninstalling HDLM might take some time. Do
not terminate the uninstallation process while a progress bar for uninstallation is
displayed. The following is an approximate calculation of the time required for an
(1 x number-of-connected-paths) seconds
To uninstall HDLM, you must reconfigure the system to a single-path
configuration. The time for doing this does not affect the time required for
an uninstallation. Since the uninstallation time depends on the value of the
maximum number of paths that can be configured in your environment, use
this value for an approximate calculation.
Before uninstalling HDLM 5.5 or later, make sure that no other application is
using an HDLM management-target LU.
Uninstalling HDLM 05-00 or later also uninstalls Hitachi Network Objectplaza
Trace Library (HNTRLib2). If, however, any program other than HDLM is using
HNTRLib2, only HDLM will be uninstalled. Before uninstalling HNTRLib2, see
the relevant manuals and documentation provided for each program to check
whether any other program is using it. Uninstall HNTRLib2 only when no
programs, other than HDLM, are using it. For details on uninstalling HNTRLib2,
see 3.9.4 Uninstalling Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library (HNTRLib2).