Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for Windows (6.6) (HIT5201-96005, April 2011)

8. Messages
Execute the DLMgetras utility for collecting HDLM error information, and then
contact your HDLM vendor or the maintenance company if there is a maintenance
contract for HDLM. For details on the
DLMgetras utility, see 7.2 The
DLMgetras Utility for Collecting HDLM Error Information.
Input is impossible via the communication pipe. RC = aa...aa
Data could not be read from the pipe file while communicating with an HDLM
aa...aa: OS error code (decimal (base-10) number)
Execute the
DLMgetras utility for collecting HDLM error information, and then
contact your HDLM vendor or the maintenance company if there is a maintenance
contract for HDLM. For details on the
DLMgetras utility, see 7.2 The
DLMgetras Utility for Collecting HDLM Error Information.
Output is impossible via the communication pipe. RC = aa...aa
Data could not be written to the pipe file while communicating with an HDLM
aa...aa: OS error code (decimal (base-10) number)
Execute the
DLMgetras utility for collecting HDLM error information, and then
contact your HDLM vendor or the maintenance company if there is a maintenance
contract for HDLM. For details on the
DLMgetras utility, see 7.2 The
DLMgetras Utility for Collecting HDLM Error Information.
Could not collect the error information. RC = aa...aa
An attempt to read the log information from the alert driver failed.
aa...aa: API return code (decimal (base-10) number)
Execute the
DLMgetras utility for collecting HDLM error information, and then
contact your HDLM vendor or the maintenance company if there is a maintenance
contract for HDLM. For details on the
DLMgetras utility, see 7.2 The
DLMgetras Utility for Collecting HDLM Error Information.