Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
described in the following sub-sections on all hosts that comprise the cluster.
(1) Perform Operations for HDLM Management-Target Devices
If you have already defined physical volumes and have been running the HDLM
management-target devices, perform the following procedure:
1. Terminate the processes of all applications that are accessing the HDLM
management-target devices.
2. If necessary, back up all HDLM management-target devices to a medium such as
3. Unmount the disks.
If the HDLM management-target devices are mounted, unmount them as follows:
First, execute the command below to check the current settings.
# mount -p
The current settings will be output as shown in Figure 3-2: Execution
Result Example of the Mount -p Command (Preparations for a New
Installation of HDLM).
Figure 3-2: Execution Result Example of the Mount -p Command (Preparations
for a New Installation of HDLM)
The following example manages the device, which is shown in the shaded
portion of Figure 3-2: Execution Result Example of the Mount -p Command
(Preparations for a New Installation of HDLM), by using HDLM.
Execute the following command to unmount the disk.
# umount /mntpt
4. Execute the following command to inactivate the applicable volume group:
# varyoffvg volume-group-name