Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

Conventions: Fonts and Symbols
Font and symbol conventions are classified as:
General font conventions
Conventions in syntax explanations
These conventions are described below.
General Font Conventions
The following table lists the general font conventions:
Font Convention
Bold Bold type indicates text on a window, other than the window title. Such text includes menus,
menu options, buttons, radio box options, or explanatory labels. For example, bold is used in
sentences such as the following:
From the File menu, choose Open.
Click the Cancel button.
In the Enter name entry box, type your name.
Italics Italics are used to indicate a placeholder for some actual text provided by the user or system.
Italics are also used for emphasis. For example:
Write the command as follows:
copy source-file target-file
Do not delete the configuration file.