Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
Choose the following sequence of menu items to display this window:
Communications Applications and Services, HACMP for AIX, Extended
Configuration, Extended Resource Configuration, HACMP Extended
Resource Configuration, Configure Custom Disk Methods, and finally choose
Add Custom Disk Methods.
2. In the Add Custom Disk Methods window, specify the items as shown below:
The items to be set and setting contents are shown below:
Disk Type (PdDvLn field from CuDv)
When a HP XP series is used:
When a Thunder 9500V series, Lightning 9900V series (excluding HP XP
series), Hitachi USP (excluding HP XP series), Universal Storage Platform
V/VM (excluding HP XP20000 and HP XP24000), Hitachi Virtual Storage
Platform, or Hitachi AMS2000/AMS/WMS/SMS series is used:
Method to identify ghost disks
Method to determine if a reserve is held
Method to break a reserve
Break reserves in parallel
Method to make the disk available
3. When you finish specifying the settings, click the OK button.
4. From the SMIT window, display the Single Select List window.
Choose the following sequence of menu items to display this window:
Communications Applications and Services, HACMP for AIX, Extended
Configuration, and finally choose Extended Verification and