Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
3.11 Settings for Using GPFS
To use GPFS or GPFS+RVSD, carry out the following procedure before starting GPFS
1. To use GPFS+RVSD, add the following lines to the last line in the
When a HP XP series is used
disk/fcp/HP fscsi disk/fcp
When a Thunder 9500V series, Lightning 9900V series (excluding HP XP
series), Hitachi USP (excluding HP XP series), Universal Storage Platform
V/VM (excluding HP XP20000 and HP XP24000), Hitachi Virtual Storage
Platform, or Hitachi AMS2000/AMS/WMS/SMS is used
disk/fcp/Hitachi fscsi disk/fcp
2. When GPFS or GPFS+RVSD is used, in the dlmodmset utility for setting the
HDLM execution environment ODM, set the
LUN RESET option to on.
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmodmset -r on