Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

4. HDLM Operation
# lspath -Hl hdisk10 -F "name path_id parent connection"
name path_id parent connection
hdisk10 0 fscsi4 50060e800436e240,6a000000000000
hdisk10 1 fscsi4 50060e800436e250,6a000000000000
hdisk10 2 fscsi5 50060e800436e240,6a000000000000
Search for lines in which the path_id item matches OS-management-path-ID. If
matching lines are found, check the
parent and connection entries. In the
following steps, the checked
parent and connection items correspond to
fscsi-number and connection-position, respectively.
3. Delete the path.
# rmpath -l
device-name -p fscsi-number -w connection-position
The following example deletes the path whose OS-management-path-ID is 2:
# rmpath -l hdisk10 -p fscsi5 -w
4. Check that the path has been deleted.
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -drv
(4) Deleting a Path (of a Device Included in rootvg)
The following shows an example of deleting a path of
hdisk0 in an environment
where rootvg consists of
hdisk0 and hdisk1.
1. Delete a path of a volume group other than rootvg by performing the procedure
described in (3) Deleting a Path (of a Volume Group Other than rootvg):
2. Check the list of current boot disks.
The following shows an example of executing the command:
# bootlist -m normal -o
hdisk0 blv=hd5
hdisk1 blv=hd5
3. Specify a boot disk according to the host environment to be used.