Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

6. Command Reference
rr: The Round Robin algorithm
exrr: The Extended Round Robin algorithm
lio: The Least I/Os algorithm
exlio: The Extended Least I/Os algorithm
lbk: The Least Blocks algorithm
exlbk: The Extended Least Blocks algorithm
The type of algorithm specified by the
-lbtype parameter remains stored in
the system, even when you disable the load balancing function by specifying
-lb off. Therefore, if when you re-enable the load balancing function
without specifying an algorithm, load balancing will be performed according
to the algorithm that is stored in the system.
-ellv error-log-collection-level
Specify the level of error information you want to collect for an error log.
The HDLM manager log (
dlmmgr[1-16].log) contains log files in which an
error log collection level can be set.
Table 6-3: Values of the Error Logging Level shows the values of the error
logging level. If an error occurs, you may have to set the error log collection level
to 1 or higher to collect log information.
Table 6-3: Values of the Error Logging Level
The higher the error log collection level value, the more log information will be
output. As the amount of log information that is output increases, the amount of
time before existing information will be overwritten becomes shorter.
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr set -ellv 1
KAPL01049-I Would you like to execute the operation?
Operation name = set [y/n]: y
Value Description
0 Collects no error log.
1 Collects error information for the Error or higher level.
2 Collects error information for the Warning or higher level.
3 Collects error information for the Information or higher level.
4 Collects error information for the Information or higher level (including maintenance