Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

2. HDLM Functions
2.1 Devices Managed by HDLM
Below is a list of devices that can or cannot be managed by HDLM. The devices that
can be managed by HDLM are called HDLM management-target devices.
HDLM management-target devices:
The following devices are from the storage systems listed in Section 1.1 What is
SCSI devices
Boot disks (including boot disks on a client logical partition in a virtual I/O
server environment)
Command devices (such as Hitachi RAID Manager command devices)
Dump devices
Swap devices
Non-HDLM management-target devices:
SCSI devices other than those that are in the storage systems listed in Section
1.1 What is HDLM?
Built-in disks on a host
Non-disk devices (tape devices, etc.)