Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

6. Command Reference
Displayed path information
Table 6-12: Displayed Path Information describes the displayed path information.
The following explains the table headings:
No summary displayed: The user specifies only the
-path parameter or
-path -item parameter.
Summary displayed: The user specifies the
-path -c parameter.
Table 6-12: Displayed Path Information
Displayed Item Description
Paths Total number of displayed paths, indicated by a decimal (i.e., base 10) number.
OnlinePaths Number of online paths from within the displayed paths, indicated by a decimal
number. When the value of
Paths equals the value of OnlinePaths, then all the
paths are online. If the value of
OnlinePaths is less than that of Paths, some
paths are offline. In this case, you should check the offline paths and take
appropriate action for any paths that have an error status.