Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

6. Command Reference
In the sub-parameters, -hdev or -pathid, you can filter the LU information to
be displayed. If you omit both parameters, the command displays the information
about all the LUs recognized by HDLM.
For details on the contents of each displayed item, see Table 6-17: Displayed LU
The sub-parameters are:
-hdev host-device-name
Filters the information only for the paths accessing the specified host device.
Specify hdisk name for host-device-name.
The host-device-name string is case-sensitive.
-pathid AutoPATH_ID
Use this parameter to display only the information about the LU that is
connected to the path with that specified AutoPATH_ID.
Omits the title for each information item.
The following example shows how to add
SLPR, PathName, ChaPort,
CLPR, Type, IO-Count, IO-Errors, DNum, IEP, and VG to the displayed
items for LU information.
ChaPort cp
CLPR clpr
Type type
IO-Count ic
IO-Errors ie
DNum dnu
IEP iep
VG vg
All items are displayed all
Item that can be added Subsequent parameter