Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

6. Command Reference
You cannot specify the -c parameter together with the -hdev or -pathid
For details on the contents of each display item, see Table 6-17: Displayed LU
Does not display the title for each information item.
The following example shows how to display a summary of the LU
information (without selecting items to be displayed):
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -lu -c
Product S/N LUs iLU HDevName Paths OnlinePaths
USP 0014010 10 003A hdisk0 2 2
003B hdisk1 2 2
003C hdisk2 2 2
003D hdisk3 2 2
003E hdisk4 2 2
003F hdisk5 2 2
0040 hdisk6 2 2
0041 hdisk7 2 2
0042 hdisk8 2 2
0043 hdisk9 2 2
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally.
Operation name = view, completion time = yyyy/mm/dd
To display a summary of LU information (by adding items to be displayed)
-lu -c -item
The items displayed when the -item option is added to the -lu -c option
If no value is specified for the
-item parameter, all the items that can be added
are displayed. See Table 6-17: Displayed LU Information for the contents of
each displayed item.
Table 6-16: Items That Can Be Added by Using the -lu -c -item Parameter and
Sub-parameters lists the items that can be added by using the
-item parameter
and the sub-parameters.