Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

6. Command Reference
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -hba
HbaID Port.Bus IO-Count IO-Errors Paths OnlinePaths
00000 08.11 71520 0 20 20
00001 08.1D 425 100 20 10
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally.
Operation name = view, completion time = yyyy/mm/dd
The subsequent sub-parameters are:
-srt pb
Sorts the HBA port information by the HBA adapter number (Port) and bus
numbers (
Bus) (or adapter type and adapter number).
Displays port WWN information for HBAs connected to the storage system
using a 16-digit hexadecimal number.
Omits the title for each information item.
(5) To Display CHA Port Information
Use this parameter to display information about the paths to each CHA port.
HDLM displays the unique CHA port ID assigned to each CHA port. This CHA
port ID is used in Offline and Online operations. Table 6-19: Items Displayed as
CHA Port Information lists and describes the displayed items.
Table 6-19: Items Displayed as CHA Port Information
OnlinePaths Number of online paths in the displayed paths, indicated by a decimal number. When the
value of Paths equals the value of OnlinePaths, all paths are online. If the value of
OnlinePaths is less than that of Paths, some paths are offline. In this case, you should
check the offline paths and take appropriate action for any path that has an error status.
Item Description
ChaID CHA port ID
Product Model ID of the storage system
S/N Serial number of the storage system
Item Description