Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

2. HDLM Functions
2.3 LU Configuration
On a system using HDLM, the logical device file for the HDLM management-target
device is used to access the target LU.
An LU recognized by a host after HDLM installation, is called a host LU (HLU). The
areas in a host LU that correspond to the Dev in a storage system LU are called host
devices (HDev).
An LU in the storage system corresponds one-to-one with a host LU, a host device, or
an hdisk.
Figure 2-2: LU configuration of the host where HDLM is installed and
correspondence with an hdisk shows the LU configuration recognized by a host, after
the installation of HDLM.
Figure 2-2: LU configuration of the host where HDLM is installed and
correspondence with an hdisk
Table 2-2: Components recognized by the host lists the components recognized by the