Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

7. Utility Reference
7.4 dlmgetrasinst Utility for Collecting HDLM Installation Error
This utility collects information that is needed to analyze errors that have occurred for
some reason during installation of HDLM. The collected information is archived in a
file and saved to the directory that you specified. The following files are output:
This file contains compressed system information.
For details about the information that is stored in the system crash dump file and
getrasinst.tar.Z, see 7.4.3 List of Collected Error Information.
7.4.1 Format
directory-to-which-collected-information-is-output | -h}
7.4.2 Parameters
Specify the output directory for the information that is to be collected by the
dlmgetrasinst utility for collecting HDLM installation error information. The
collected information is compiled into two files shown in Function and output in
the specified directory.
Displays the format of the dlmgetrasinst utility.
We recommend that you execute the dlmgetrasinst utility on the HDLM
installation DVD-ROM. If you use the utility by copying it to another location
from the DVD-ROM, also copy the
UtilAudLog file to the same directory to
which you copy the
dlmgetrasinst file.
dlmgetrasinst first stores error information in the specified output
directory before compressing, ensure that information collection areas allocated
are of adequate size.
If the specified directory to which collected information is output already exists,
an overwrite confirmation message is displayed. Responding by entering
instructs the
dlmgetrasinst utility to overwrite the existing files; entering n (or
anything other than
y) instructs the utility to terminate without executing.
In the latter case, you can either rename the existing directory before re-executing
the utility, or you can execute the utility with a different directory name specified.