Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

7. Utility Reference
7.8 dlmpostrestore Utility for HDLM Restoration Support
This utility updates HDLM information to match that of the target system environment
when a system replication (clone) is created from a
mksysb image that includes
HDLM-managed devices.
7.8.1 Format
/usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmpostrestore [-s | -h]
7.8.2 Parameters
Suppresses display of a confirmation message when the utility executes.
Displays the format of the dlmpostrestore utility.
When the dlmpostrestore utility is executed in a local boot disk environment,
the devices are reconfigured; when the utility is executed in a boot disk
environment, the host is restarted.
Before you execute the
dlmpostrestore utility, stop all application processes
that access HDLM-managed devices.
Before you execute the
dlmpostrestore utility, make sure that no path errors
are occurring. If a path error occurs, release of a reservation may fail.