Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

8. Messages
-cha), and check the target CHA port and the CHA ID of that CHA port.
Then, specify the applicable CHA ID, and retry the operation. For details
about the
view operation, see 6.7 view (Displays Information).
The target device was not found. Operation name = aa...aa
The specified host device name could not be found.
Execute the
view operation of the HDLM command (dlnkmgr view -path) to
check the value displayed in
HDevName. Specify a host device for the value of
HDevName, and then retry. For details on the view operation, see 6.7 view
(Displays Information).
The target path was not found. Operation name = aa...aa
offline, online, or view
offline/online operation
The specified path does not exist.
view operation
The paths have not been configured because creation of the HDLM
environment or configuration changes to the HDLM operating environment
have not finished.
offline/online operation
Use the
view operation of the HDLM command (dlnkmgr) to check the
settings, and then retry. For details on the
view operation, see 6.7 view
(Displays Information).
view operation
Refer to 3. Creating an HDLM Environment. Creating an HDLM
Environment or 4.5 Changing the Configuration of the HDLM Operating
Environment, and then configure any paths that exist. If the same message
appears again, execute the
DLMgetras utility for collecting HDLM error
information, acquire the error information, and then contact your HDLM
vendor or the company for which you have a service contract. For details on