Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

2. HDLM Functions
Figure 2-7: Overview of load balancing
(2) When Using the Lightning 9900V Series, Hitachi USP, Universal Storage
Platform V/VM, Virtual Storage Platform, Hitachi AMS2000 Series, or Hitachi SMS
All online paths are owner paths. Therefore, for the example in Figure 2-6: Flow of
I/O Data When the Load Balancing Function Is Used, the load is balanced among the
four paths A, B, C, and D. If one of the paths were to become unusable, the load would
be balanced among the three, remaining paths.
2.6.2 Load Balancing Algorithms
HDLM has the following six load balancing algorithms:
The Round Robin algorithm
The Extended Round Robin algorithm
The Least I/Os algorithm
The Extended Least I/Os algorithm
The Least Blocks algorithm