Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

2. HDLM Functions
node_name 0x50060e8005271720 FC Node Name False
state Enabled N/A True
priority 5 N/A True
Slot number
This number indicates the position of the slot where an HBA is mounted.
You can find the order of the slot numbers by comparing their physical location
The following describes how to obtain the physical location code.
1. Execute the following command to find
hdisk, based on AutoPATH_ID.
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -drv
000000 hdisk0 00000 9500V.0051.0005
000001 hdisk1 00000 9500V.0051.0015
000002 hdisk2 00000 9500V.0051.0020
000003 hdisk0 00001 9500V.0051.0005
000004 hdisk1 00001 9500V.0051.0015
000005 hdisk2 00001 9500V.0051.0020
2. Execute the following command to find the parent device of hdisk (the
HBA device instance).
# lsdev -C -l hdisk4 -F 'parent'
3. Execute the following command to find the physical location code, based on
the HBA device instance.
# lscfg -vp -l fscsi0