Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

2. HDLM Functions
When you want to configure the system so that HDLM messages are output to
syslog, specify
user for the facility in the /etc/syslog.conf file. The
following shows an example where the system function name is
user, and
messages at the
info level or higher are output to the /tmp/syslog.user.log
file: /tmp/syslog.user.log
For details on error levels, see 2.10.2 Filtering of error information.
2.10.2 Filtering of error information
Errors detected by HDLM are classified into various error levels. Table 2-8: Error
levels lists the error levels, in the order of most to least severe.
Table 2-8: Error levels
Error information is filtered according to the error level, and then collected.
In syslog, the HDLM messages on or above the level set by the user configured in
are collected. It is recommended that you set the Information to
be output at the info level or higher.
The error information in error logs and trace files are collected based on a user-defined
collection level. The collection levels are as follows:
Collection levels for error logs
ion log
HDLM configuration log is an operation log of the
configuration processing for the HDLM driver.
Error level Meaning Level output in syslog
Critical Fatal errors that may stop the system. err
Error Errors that adversely affect the system. This type of error can
be avoided by performing a failover or other
Warning Errors that enable the system to continue but, if left, might
cause the system to improperly operate.
Information Information that simply indicates the operating history when
the system is operating normally.
Description Output destination