Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
When you migrate from HDLM 05-00 or later
Trace files before the migration:
(n indicates a file number)
Integrated trace files after the migration:
(n indicates a file number)
Trace files after the migration:
(n indicates a file number)
3.4.6 Notes on Storage Systems
Do not change the vendor ID or product ID of a storage system. If you do, HDLM
will not be able to recognize the storage system.
Before you connect multiple storage systems to the same host, make sure that the
storage systems have unique serial numbers. If there is a duplication of serial
numbers, use a tool such as Disk Array Management Program to assign a unique
serial number to each device.
If you restart a storage system when using an hdisk that meets both of the
following conditions, the persistent reservation of the LU registered in this
volume group will be cancelled:
reserve_policy attribute has been set to PR_exclusive.
The volume group has been activated.
Perform the procedure below to inactivate the volume group, and then re-activate
it. Also, when you perform a planned restart of a storage system, make sure you
perform the operation while the volume group is inactive.
1. Execute the following command to inactivate the volume group:
# varyoffvg volume-group-name
2. Execute the following command to make sure that the inactivated volume
group is no longer displayed:
# lsvg -o
3. Execute the following command to activate the volume group:
# varyonvg volume-group-name
3.4.7 Notes on the Cluster
When you use HDLM in a cluster configuration, you must install the same version
of HDLM on all the nodes that comprise the cluster. If different versions of
HDLM are installed, the cluster system may not operate correctly. If the
Version and Service Pack Version, which are displayed by executing the
following command, are the same, the versions of HDLM are the same: