HP 3PAR Recovery Manager 4.5.0 for Oracle on Solaris, Red Hat Linux, and Oracle Enterprise Linux User's Guide (QL226-97705, May 2014)

4. Enter ./rmora_install.sh.
The prompts and output from running rmora_install.sh are similar to those when running
rmora_install.sh on Linux. If necessary, refer to “Installation” (page 30).
5. After the installation is complete on all the required servers, you can allow Oracle users and
the Database Administrators group access to the Recovery Manager commands and utilities
by running the rmora_chown utility if you did not specify during step 4.
You can use the utility command to allow only root or both root and a single non-root user to
manage all RMO database configurations.
/opt/3PAR/RMOra/bin/rmora_chown -u <user> -g <group>
For more information about allowing types of users to manage all RMO database
configurations, refer to rmora_chown” (page 73).
Verifying Installation
1. Log in as the root user.
2. Enter the swlist RMOra command and verify:
The product name RMOra and the fileset RMOra.RUN are displayed.
The Version displayed is 4.5.0.
3. To enable a user to schedule tasks (for example, to create a Virtual Copy creation schedule),
add the user name to the /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow file.
Removing Recovery Manager from HP UX Systems
1. Log in as the root user.
2. Insert the HP 3PAR Recovery Manager CD into a CD-ROM drive.
NOTE: If the CD is not mounted automatically, mount it manually.
# mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
3. Change to the CD-ROM drive.
# cd /mnt/cdrom0/
4. Enter ./rmora_uninstall.sh.
Confirm you want to uninstall RMO when prompted.
# ./rmora_uninstall.sh
Welcome to HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for Oracle
Checking for existing Recovery Manager installation...
The following version of RMOra has been found:
Currently Installed version: 4.5.0
Do you want to remove the existing RMOra? (y/n)y
Removing existing RMOra...
Recovery Manager removed
34 Installing and Uninstalling Recovery Manager