3PAR InForm Operating System and Administration Tools 2.2.4 MU6 Release Notes

InForm OS Version 2.2.4 Release 2.2.4 MU6 Release Notes
43577 A loss of
communications on
the ESI channel to
individual drive ports
causes the DC2/DC4
cage CPU to become
unresponsive even
though the drives
remain on loop and
Occasionally, (due to a loop disruption while the drive is
communicating ESI data), the ESI drive and FPGA could get
out of sync. Due to this out of sync condition, the system
manager was no longer able to use that channel to
communicate with the cage.
The cage firmware now resets the FPGA's ESI channel at an
appropriate point between every transaction.
43595 Controller shutdown
due to memory leak.
A bug in InForm OS software could leak memory slowly on
E/S class InServs when the inter-node transport was under
stress. It could take many days for the free memory size to
fall into the critical level that triggered a warning.
The buffer is now handled properly.
43997 WMware ESX4.0 iSCSI
certification test "dual
initiator reserve and
reset LUN would fail".
A bug in the InForm OS software caused the SCSI2
reservation on a LUN held by an iSCSI initiator to not be
cleared when a LUN reset command was sent to the target.
45531 Resource leak in iSCSI
driver results in all I/O
stopping on an iSCSI
If the initiator driver on an iSCSI host is very slow to respond
to a pending request for data from the iSCSI firmware in the
InForm iSCSI adapter, the InForm iSCSI driver could leak a
resource associated with that I/O. If all resources are
exhausted over time, the iSCSI port stopped processing all I/
O and needed to be reset to recover the resources.
45955 SCSI command not
aborted when host
sends an abort.
The iSCSI driver in InForm OS was not aborting the correct
command when the host sent an abort because the driver
was not using the correct ITT value from the abort iSCSI
Bug ID Item Description