HP 3PAR InForm OS 3.1.1 MU1 Release Notes

Modifications to the InForm OS
The following items have been addressed in this release.
DescriptionItemBug ID
While failed logins from using the CLI and IMC clients have always been logged,
failed logins using SSH were not logged. A failed login via SSH will now be
reported in the event log.
Logging of failed SSH
When the link comes up, the driver issues PLOGIs to all devices in parallel. If
the link goes down while some of PLOGIs are still pending, then the driver issues
Degraded disk causes
P10000 Storage
PLOGIs to devices one by one. If the link goes down again while the PLOGI is
still pending, mark this device as “ByPass and send an event to the sysmgr.
System cage to go
In InForm OS 3.1.1 there was an issue where under certain circumstances sysmgr
could restart during tunesys task management operations. This condition has
been fixed in InForm OS 3.1.1 MU1.
Intermittent sysmgr
restart during tunesys
task operations is fixed
A correction was made where the Provider was reporting a wrong value (1TB)
for the SpaceLimit property of a TPD_DynamicStoragePool which
SpaceLimitDetermination is Limitless.
contains incorrect value
StorageSynchronized.SyncType of a physical copy is incorrectly defined as
Snapshot when it should have been Clone.
SyncType for A Cloned
Copy Volume is
incorrectly defined
On an HP 3PAR system running 64-bit Operating System providing an invalid
IP address will make it impossible for users to login to the system. This has been
fixed in InForm OS 3.1.1 MU1.
Providing an invalid IP
address will make it
impossible to login to
the system
An issue was corrected where the user-configurable comments for a
StorageVolume is not displayed. The comments are now reflected in the
StorageVolume.Description property, and it is now also configurable via SMI-S.
comments for a
StorageVolume is not
An alert is generated when a single fan module is removed from a P10000
Storage System. When the second fan module is removed (while 1st is still
No separate event for
individual fan modules
removed) it generates another alert of the same type. This causes a problemon P10000 Storage
Systems when one fan is inserted back into the P10000 Storage System. It would
essentially update the node status as OK even though the other fan module has
not been inserted.
This has been fixed in InForm OS 3.1.1 by creating two separate alert-types for
each fan module. These alerts are generated and resolved individually for each
fan module.
Reporting a unique ID per VV via a vendor-specific SCSI command, as required
by some host types.
Report VVID to Initiators63487
The FC044X firmware bug resulted in accessing invalid/incorrect address. This
bug can be triggered only when firmware requiring to use DDR memory for BLP
Core dumps with
storage. If DDR memory was used at any time in the past, there is a potential of
the firmware polluting its internal memory (and thus using invalid/incorrect host
memory addresses) until the port is reset. The fix is to update the HBA firmware
to the latest version which corrects this issue.
The CLI command removeeventlog has been removed to ensure that security
logs are not lost.
The 3.1.1 MU1 CLI client will connect via SSL by default and this client is
backward compatible with older releases. To revert back to unsecure mode, a
CLI client connects
securely by default
-nosockssl option must be specified or the TPDNOSOCKSSL environment variable
must be set to a non-zero value.
IMC previously uses EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA to negotiate SSL connection to
Storage System. This cipher suite is considered unsecured. In 4.2.1, IMC will
use DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA when negotiate SSL connection.
Change IMC to use
when negotiate SSL
32 InForm OS 3.1.1 MU1 Release Notes