HP 3PAR OS 3.1.3 Release Notes

Options added (unless stated otherwise)Command
-sortcol, -btsecs defaults changedsrstatvlun
-sortcol, -btsecs defaults changedsrvvspace
Removed and Deprecated Commands and Options
The following commands are removed or deprecated in the OS 3.1.3 release.
Removed Commands and Options
No equivalent command.createald
Use the createvv command instead.createaldvv
Use the createvv command instead.createavv
Use the createvv command instead.createld
Use the createvv -tpvv command instead.createtpvv
Use the growvv command instead.growaldvv
Use the growvv command instead.growavv
Use the growvv command instead.growtpvv
Use the setnet ntp command instead.setntp
Options -vvset and -all_others are deprecatedsrstatqos
Use the tunevv command instead.tunealdvv
Use the tunevv command instead.tunetpvv
Modifications to the CLI
DescriptionItemIssue ID
A new option, -sortcol, is added to showcpg command. This allows
sorting based on any output column.
A new option, -sortcol, is
added to showcpg
The -listcols option is used to display the items separated by spaces.
The items are displayed in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format.
The -listcols option
displays comma in between
Expiration times for multiple virtual volumes can be set in one command,
by specifying a VV name pattern.
Set an expiration time for
multiple virtual volumes using
a pattern.
For example, setvv -exp 20d vv* - This command sets the expiration
time for any vv whose name begins with vv”.
CLI server supports AES ciphers from HP 3PAR OS version 3.1.3 or later.
Following AES ciphers are supported:
CLI server supports AES
ciphers from HP 3PAR OS
version 3.1.3 or later.
Removed and Deprecated Commands and Options 25