HP 3PAR OS 3.1.3 Upgrade Instructions

Check License [ PASSED ]
Check Local [ PASSED ]
Check PD [ PASSED ]
check_rcopy [ PASSED ]
Check VV [ PASSED ]
Check Upgrade [ PASSED ]
Cleanup BIOS Symlinks [ PASSED ]
Check Cluster Name Exists [ PASSED ]
<systen_name> is in an acceptable state to perform a software upgrade
total_scripts: 9 passed: 9 failed: 0
Press <enter/return> to continue
6. Press Enter to continue.
Staging the HP 3PAR OS from Service Processor
This feature allows you to stage the specified HP 3PAR OS 3.1.3 package present on the SP to
the specified storage system.
NOTE: This feature can be used only if the SP is at version 4.2 or later and if the storage system
is running HP 3PAR OS 3.1.3 or later. For instance, if the SP is at version SP-4.2 and the storage
system is not connected or the connected storage system is on 3.1.2. If HP 3PAR OS version 3.1.3
is staged at this time, then it gets staged only on the SP. With this new feature, you can stage HP
3PAR OS 3.1.3 to the storage system.
To perform staging on the storage system:
1. From the SPMAINT main menu, enter: =4.7 and press Enter.
4.7 HP 3PAR Operating System Updates
StoreServ Product Maintenance Menu
Transfer media: ethernet Transfer status: Ok
Enter Control-C at any time to abort this process
1 ==> Storage System Upgrade Status
2 ==> Validate Upgrade Status
3 ==> Upgrade Storage System
4 ==> Pre-upgrade Stop Remote Copy Groups
5 ==> Post-upgrade Start Remote Copy Groups
6 ==> Pre-upgrade Defrag Check
7 ==> Post-upgrade Defrag Check
8 ==> Stage Update on Storage System
X ==> Exit to previous menu
2. Select menu option 8 and the press Enter.
4.7.8 Stage Update on Storage System
Configured StoreServs
1 ==> s321 --> 1300321
0 ==> Abort Operation
16 Pre-Update Tasks