HP 3PAR OS 3.1.3 Upgrade Instructions

13 Known Issues
A VV in an AO configuration might occasionally display incorrect RAID
type and device type information (Issue ID 80428)
A VV which is split between tiers by Adaptive Optimization (AO) might show the wrong RAID type
and device type (SSD, FC, NL) information. This is a display issue and does not affect the primary
tier CPG from which new VV growth is taken. This might also occur if the setcpg command is
used to change the primary CPG of a VV in an AO config.
In the dismissrcopyvv command, options after -pat are ignored (Issue
ID 87003)
When parsing the dismissrcopyvv command options, it is assumed that the -pat option would
be immediately before the list of patterns at the end. This does not match the syntax and any options
after -pat are ignored.
When an FC adapter is replaced with a CNA adapter, an iSCSI port might
enter in config_wait state intermittently (Issue ID 92692)
The TOC information for an iSCSI port might be incorrect if an FC adapter is replaced with a CNA
adapter. When the adapter is replaced, the iSCSI port might intermittently come up in config_wait
state following node reboot or node error. Resetting the port clears the config_wait state.
Workaround: To resolve the inconsistency in the TOC, switch the port to FCoE mode and then
back to iSCSI mode.
An issue in rm_config_group_dr sets the target busy bit, but does not clear
the target busy bit after completing the restore command (Issue ID 92831)
An issue in rm_config_group_dr sets the target busy bit, but does not clear the target busy bit after
completing the restore command when the restore command is issued from the secondary array
with target specified.
Workaround: To work around this issue, the restore command must be issued from the primary
array instead of the secondary array.
Renaming a CPG while tunesys is running might cause tunes to fail (Issue
ID 101049)
A tunesys command can generate a large number of tune commands during the analysis phase.
If a CPG is subsequently renamed before the generated tunes are executed, the tunes might fail.
Workaround: The names of CPGs must not be swapped around while tunesys is running as this
might result in VVs being moved between CPGs unexpectedly.
Downgrading an HP 3PAR StoreServ from version 3.1.3 to an earlier
release results in checkhealth warnings and free node disk space service
alerts (Issue ID 101859)
Downgrading an HP 3PAR StoreServ from a 3.1.3 release to an earlier version can result in
checkhealth warnings such as Filesystems which are over 80% full and free node disk space service
alerts. For version 3.1.3, the space requirements on the local node drive is increased to the point
where previously monitored thresholds consider it as an issue. For the 3.1.3 release, the monitoring
code is modified with new threshold values to support this increased usage.
A VV in an AO configuration might occasionally display incorrect RAID type and device type information (Issue ID 80428) 27