Access Security Guide K/KA/KB.15.15

Possible ExplanationsAvailable Network ConnectionReported Status
No network accessrejected-no vlan
Invalid credentials supplied.
RADIUS Server difficulties. See log
If unauth-vid is specified it cannot be
successfully applied to the port. An
authorized client on the port has
Unauthorized VLAN onlyrejected-unauth vlan
Invalid credentials supplied.
RADIUS Server difficulties. See log
RADIUS request timed out. If unauth-vid
is specified it cannot be successfully
No network accesstimed out-no vlan
applied to the port. An authorized client
on the port has precedence. Credentials
resubmitted after quiet-period expires.
RADIUS request timed out. After the
quiet-period expires credentials are
Unauthorized VLAN onlytimed out-unauth vlan
resubmitted when client generates
Waiting for user credentials.Switch onlyunauthenticated
116 Web-based and MAC authentication