Access Security Guide K/KA/KB.15.15

General password rules
Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive. ASCII characters in the range of 33-126 are valid,
A through Z uppercase characters
a through z lower case characters
0 through 9 numeric characters
Special characters ‘ ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } \ | ; : ‘ “ , < > / ?.
NOTE: The SPACE character is allowed to form a username or password pass-phrase. The
username must be in quotes, for example “The little brown fox. A space is not allowed as
part of a username without the quotes. A password that includes a space or spaces should
not have quotes.
Local user and password Length
To set the minimum password length for manager, operator, and local management privilege user,
use the following command.
[no] password <manager|operator|port-access|all>[ user-name
ASCII-STR][<plaintext|sha1> ASCII-STR] minimum-length num
<manager|operator|port-access|all> - Level of access.
user-name ASCII-STR - Username (up to 64 characters).
<plaintext|sha1> ASCII-STR - Format for the password entry, and the password
itself (up to 64 characters). 'plaintext' is default type, and the only type accepted
for 'port-access'.
minimum-length - Minimum number of permissible characters required to set a
new password.
Sets or clears the local password/username to access levels of manager, operator,
and local management. Configures minimum password length for a given access
level equal to or greater than 15 alpha/numeric digits.
Invoked without [no], the command sets or changes the existing password(s). If
no password is provided in the command, the user will be prompted to enter the
new password twice. The command removes specific local password protection.
The option password minimum-lenght configures the minimum password length
that will be applicable to the manager, operator or local management. The range
available for password length is 15–64.
Configure operator access.
Configure manager access.
Configure all available types of access.
Configure minimum password length.
NOTE: “Port-access” is available only if “include-credentials” is enabled.
24 Configuring Username and Password Security