Access Security Guide K/KA/KB.15.15

Table 60 Error messages (continued)
ExplanationError Message
The certificate name exceeds the maximum length allowed.Certificate name is too long. The maximum
length is 20.
The certificate name already exists.Certificate name %s already exists.
Overwriting a configured TA certificate.Certificate subject does not match the
existing certificate associated with Trust
Anchor profile <TA-Profile-Name>.
There is a problem with the file, such a corruption.File format not recognized or file is
corrupted. Certificate validation failed.
The certificate chain is incomplete.Incomplete certificate chain. One or more
intermediate certificates are missing.
The certificate is invalid.Invalid certificate
The key is not generated yet during a request for a CSR.Key generation in progress, try again
There is no CSR present on the switch, the certificate cannot
be matched.
No matching CSR found. Certificate
validation failed.
Two or more TA profiles are attempted via CLI.Profile was not added. The maximum number
of profiles is %d
The profile name exceeds the maximum length allowed
and another profile exists with the same name.
Profile name is too long. The maximum
length is 100.%s. Duplicate profile name.
where %s is the profile name entered by
the user.
Removing a TA Profile removes all associated certificates.
The following warning/query appears:
Removing this TA profile will also remove
all associated certificates. Continue (y/n)
Any comparison of profile names is case insensitive. Profile
names may not contain multiple spaces between words,
leading whitespace or trailing whitespace.
TA Profile name must not begin or end with
a space or contain multiple spaces between
During deletion, the mentioned TA profile is not existing /
not configured.
TA Profile%s does not exist.
Any comparison of profile names is case insensitive. Profile
names can not contain multiple spaces between words,
leading whitespace or trailing whitespace.
TA Profile name can not begin or end with
a space or contain multiple spaces between
The Trust Anchor certificate is not installed on the switch
against the specified TA profile.
The certificate cannot be verified because
the associated Trust Anchor profile has no
certificate configured.
When enrolled for self-signing without having a switch
identity profile or subject fields in the command line.
The default value for start date is the
current date and the default value for the
end date is the current date plus one year.
A slot is not available for the default profile.Required "default" TA profile cannot be
Installing a local certificate via CLI, the ta-profile does not
have a root cert (or the cert chain) configured. The design
The certificate cannot be verified because
the associated Trust Anchor profile has no
certificate configured.
does not allow out-of-order installation of the certificate
chain, so the user must fully configure a TA before the rest
of the intermediate or ID certificates are installed in that
522 Certificate manager