Basic Operation Guide 2014/02

copy default-config xmodem
Copies the custom default configuration file to the configuration file specified by
the XMODEM server device.
Using USB
To transfer a custom default configuration file off the switch using USB, enter the following command.
copy default-config usb stored_config.cfg
Copies the custom default configuration file to the stored_config.cfg file on the USB
Using SFTP and SCP to transfer the custom configuration
While the switch supports an SSH server with SCP and/or SFTP running on it, the switch is not an
SCP or SFTP client. To transfer the default custom configuration file to or from the switch, you must
connect to the switch’s SSH server using any SCP or SFTP client. Instead of the actual name of the
custom default configuration file, an alias name of "default-config" is displayed in the file listings
and for get/store functions.
When you use an SCP client to connect to the switch, you must know the name of the file you wish
to get or store. When you use SFTP client to connect to the switch, you are provided with a list of
filenames that can be accessed by the switch.
NOTE: You must have an SCP/SFTP client implemented in order to execute copy scp or copy
sftp commands on the switch.
The following example shows the output from running puTTY psftp on a remote PC.
54 Switch Memory and Configuration