Management and Configuration Guide K/KA/KB.15.15

Figure 203 Example of an event log display
The log status line below the recorded entries states the total number of events stored in the event
log and which logged events are currently displayed.
Navigating in the Event Log in the menu
To scroll to other entries in the Event Log, either preceding or following the currently visible portion,
press the keys indicated at the bottom of the display (Back,Nextpage, Prev page, or End) or
the keys described in Table 3-3 (page 392).
Table 25 Event Log control keys
Advances the display by one page (next page.)[N]
Rolls back the display by one page (previous page.)[P]
Advances display by one event (down one line.)[v]
Rolls back display by one event (up one line.)[ˆ]
Advances to the end of the log.[E]
Displays Help for the Event Log.[H]
Clearing Event Log entries
clear logging
Removes all entries from the event log display output.
Use the clear logging command to hide, but not erase, Event Log entries
displayed in show logging command output. Only new entries generated after
you enter the command will be displayed.
To redisplay all hidden entries, including Event Log entries recorded prior to the
last reboot, enter the show logging -a command.
392 Troubleshooting