Management and Configuration Guide K/KA/KB.15.15

Sub-filters are executed from the lowest sequence number to the highest. As soon as a match
is found the log event is immediately accepted or rejected and no further matching operation
is performed.
The default sub-filter must always be the last entry in a filter module. It functions as the rules
terminator when the criteria matching performed by the prior sub-filters in a filter does not
produce an action.
The default sub-filter cannot be deleted, re-ordered, or changed. The only parameter that can
be modified is the action parameter of permit or deny. The default is permit.
Creating a Filter
[no] logging filter <name> <sequence> {severity <severity> | event-num <num> | <regexp>}
{permit | deny}
Creates a logging filter to restrict which events are logged. The no form of the command removes
the logging filter.
<name>: The name that identifies the filter.
severity <severity>: Specifies the severity of an event—major, warning, error, info,
or debug.
event-num <num>: Specifies an event number to match.
deny: If the log entry matches the specified criteria, do not log the event message.
No further criteria are evaluated for a match.
permit: If the log entry matches the specified criteria, log the event message. No
further criteria are evaluated for a match.
Enabling a Filter after Creation
[no]logging filter <name> enable | disable
Enables a log filter. Only one filter can be enabled at a time. An enabled filter automatically
disables a previously enabled filter.
<name>: The name that identifies the filter.
Clearing a Filter
clear logging filtername | all
Clears statistics counters for the named logging filter or for all filters.
Viewing Filter Configuration Information
show logging filter name
Displays the logging filter’s configuration information. The Matches column indicates the number
of times that criteria has matched.
Debug/syslog operation 419