Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual v11.1x (53-1002167-01, May 2011)

1050 Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual
Database tables and fields
JOB_GROUP Name of the job group. varchar 80
IS_VOLATILE Whether the trigger should be persisted in the
JobStore for re-use after program restarts.
DESCRIPTION A description for the trigger instance - may be useful
for remembering/displaying the purpose of the
trigger, though the description has no meaning to
varchar 120
NEXT_FIRE_TIME The next fire time in milliseconds. numeric 13,0
PREV_FIRE_TIME The previous fired time in milliseconds. numeric 13,0
TRIGGER_STATE The state of the trigger (viz. Error, wait,etc.) varchar 16
TRIGGER_TYPE The type of the trigger (Simple,cron). varchar 8
START_TIME The job start time. numeric 13,0
END_TIME The job end time (-1 means infinite). numeric 13,0
CALENDAR_NAME varchar 80
MISFIRE_INSTR Instructs the scheduler to execute the misfired job. smallint
JOB_DATA Persists the job-related info. bytea
Field Definition Format size
TRIGGER_NAME* Name of the trigger varchar 80
TRIGGER_GROUP* name of the trigger group varchar 80
REPEAT_COUNT number of times to repeat numeric 13,0
REPEAT_INTERVAL interval for first and second job numeric 13,0
TIMES_TRIGGERED Number of times the corresponding trigger fired numeric 13,0
Field Definition Format size
ENTRY_ID* Fired instance ID. varchar 95
TRIGGER_NAME Name of the trigger. varchar 80
TRIGGER_GROUP Name of the trigger group. varchar 80
IS_VOLATILE Whether the job should not be persisted in the
JobStore for re-use after the program restarts.
INSTANCE_NAME Trigger instance name. varchar 80
FIRED_TIME The trigger fired time. numeric 13,0
STATE The fired trigger job state. varchar 16
JOB_NAME Name of the job. varchar 80
JOB_GROUP Name of the job group. varchar 80
Field Definition Format Size