Brocade Network Advisor Documentation Updates v11.1.x (53-1002363-03, August 2011)

116 Brocade Network Advisor Documentation Updates
Database tables and fields
LUN_FLAGS Bitmap of LUN options. The only option currently used
is bit 0 (least significant)
which indicates that the LUN must be manually
enabled because it has been disabled
due to inconsistent metadata detected. The default
value is 0.
ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM Stores the Encryption Algorithm used to
encrypt/decrypt data on the LUN
varchar 512
KEY_ID_STATE State of the Key ID retrieval from Key Vault. The default
value is 0.
Unique Rekey session number. The default value is 0. int
PERCENTAGE_COMPLETE % of rekey completion. The default value is 0. int
REKEY_ROLE Rekey Role definition. The default value is 0. smallint
CURRENT_LBA Current Logical Block address for the rekey session in
progress. The default value is 0.
LUN_STATE_STRING Lun state string. varchar 2048
NEW_LUN This field specifies that when a LUN is added to its
container, indicate that it''s a new LUN to be used in
SRDF Configuration. Feature available only from 6.4
release onwards and for RSA key vaults. CryptoLun
collector and CryptoLunBean fills in this value. The
default value is -1.
NEW_LUN_TYPE This field indicates the role of the LUN configured in
the SRDF mode. The values could be R1, R2 or
UNKNOWN. Feature available only from 6.4 release
onwards and for RSA key vaults. CryptoLuncollector
fills in this value.
varchar 64
Field Definition Format Size
ID int
ENCRYPTION_ENGINE_ID Foreign key reference to the ENCRYPTION_ENGINE that
owns this container.
NAME A user-supplied name for the container. varchar 64
VT_NODE_WWN The Node WWN of the Virtual Target that represents
the real physical target device.
char 23
VT_PORT_WWN The Port WWN of the Virtual Target that represents the
real physical target device.
char 23
TABLE 225 CRYPTO_LUN (Continued)
Field Definition Format Size