HP P6000 Cluster Extension Software Administrator Guide (5697-2274, November 2012)

Log files
Log files assist you in locating and identifying problems. Timestamps, component IDs, and message
IDs are included.
P6000 Cluster Extension-related messages are logged by MSCS to the file %ClusterLog%\
For each system, P6000 Cluster Extension keeps its own log file in its default log location.
Log locationLog fileSystem
P6000 Cluster Extension messages can also be found in MSCS log file.
CAUTION: P6000 Cluster Extension is not able to handle DR group states automatically and
correctly when they result from manual intervention or modifications to the DR group states.
Always disable automatic service or application/package failover when merging or
resynchronizing DR groups. A failure of the resynchronization source while resynchronizing
can lead to non-current data on the resynchronization target.
The resynchronization process copies data in transactional order, which means that you could
start your application with this data but it might be older than the source.
Start errors
In Windows, generic startup or initialization logic errors can occur when the path to the P6000
Cluster Extension binaries has not been set in the PATH environment variable and the processes
(for example the cluster service) have not recognized the %HPCLX_EVA_PATH% variable. To
fix this problem, restart the cluster service.
If an error occurs because needed components of P6000 Cluster Extension are not available,
a file is generated that could help with troubleshooting. The file is clxlog.log. It may be
in any directory, but is usually in the working directory of the operating system
P6000 Cluster Extension returns a local error if any of the following occurs:
P6000 Cluster Extension does not find the user configuration file for clxevarun in the
correct directory location.
An error occurs after initialization.
Failover error handling
P6000 Cluster Extension automatically fails over if the system on which the application is running
becomes unavailable. This is done as part of the cluster functionality. This also means that if a
problem occurs with the P6000/EVA DR group state or the HP P6000/EVA SMI-S server, the
application online process is stopped.
P6000 Cluster Extension is highly configurable. Depending on the customer setting, P6000 Cluster
Extension is used to prevent applications from going online automatically under the wrong
Therefore, P6000 Cluster Extension returns local, data-center-wide, or even cluster-wide errors to
prevent accidental access to the vdisk(s).
64 Troubleshooting