HP Color LaserJet 4550 printer family - Software Technical Reference

Macintosh operating system
HP Color LaserJet 4550 Software Technical Reference 142
Courier Bold New Century Schoolbook
Bold Italic
ITC Zapf Chancery Medium
Courier Bold Oblique New Century Schoolbook
ITC Zapf Dingbats
Courier Oblique New Century Schoolbook
The following fonts are resident on all HP Color LaserJet 4550 printers but can be used by
Macintosh platforms only by installing additional screen fonts. The screen fonts can be accessed
on either the CD or the World Wide Web at: www.hp.com
Additional Screen Fonts
Albertus Extra Bold CG Times Italic Marigold
Albertus Medium Clarendon Condensed Bold Symbol
Antique Olive Coronet Times New Roman
Antique Olive Bold Courier Times New Roman Bold
Antique Olive Italic Courier Bold Times New Roman Bold Italic
Arial Courier Bold Oblique Times New Roman Italic
Arial Bold Courier Italic Univers Bold
Arial Bold Italic Garamond Antiqua Univers Bold Italic
Arial Italic Garamond Halbfett Univers Condensed Bold
CG Omega Garamond Kursiv Univers Condensed Medium
CG Omega Bold Garamond Kursiv Halbfett Univers Condensed Medium
CG Omega Bold Italic Letter Gothic Univers Medium
CG Omega Italic Letter Gothic Bold Univers Medium Italic
CG Times Letter Gothic Italic Univers Italic
CG Times Bold CG Times Bold Italic Wingdings
CG Times Bold Italic