HP PCL/PJL reference (PCL 5 Printer Language) - Technical Reference Manual Part II

21-10 The Polygon Group EN
Figure 21-6
Drawing Polygons
A polygon consists of one or more closed sequences of connected
line segments (which may cross each other). Drawing polygons
requires the use of the polygon mode. The Polygon Mode (PM)
command tells the printer to store subsequent commands and
coordinates in the polygon buffer before printing the shape.
(Rectangles and wedges are polygons which have their own
drawing commands; the printer automatically generates and
stores the coordinates in the polygon buffer.)
You can use the following commands in polygon mode to create
polygons. These commands are stored in the polygon buffer until
they are replaced with another polygon or the printer is initialized.
Table 21-7
Polygon Definition Commands Group
AA, Arc Absolute The Vector Group
AR, Arc Relative
AT, Absolute Arc Three Point
BR, Bezier Relative
BZ, Bezier Absolute
CI, Circle
PA, Plot Absolute
PD, Pen Down
PE, Polyline Encoded