HP PCL/PJL reference (PCL 5 Printer Language) - Technical Reference Manual Part II

EN PM, Polygon Mode Command 21-35
The polygon buffer stores the lines (vectors) that define your polygon.
These vectors are accessed later when you exit polygon mode and fill
and/or edge the polygon.
Note While in polygon mode, the CI command is interpreted differently
than other graphics commands. Refer to “Drawing Circles in Polygon
Mode,” earlier in this chapter for more details.
When you define a polygon, the pen location before the PM0
command is the first point (vertex) of the polygon, and the first point
stored in the polygon buffer. For example, if you execute the
Table 21-19
Polygon Mode
Allowable Commands Group
DF, Default Values The Configuration/Status Group
IN, Initialize
AA, Arc Absolute The Vector Group
AR, Arc Relative
AT, Absolute Arc Three Point
BR, Bezier Relative
BZ, Bezier Absolute
CI, Circle
PA, Plot Absolute
PD, Pen Down
PE, Polyline Encoded
PR, Plot Relative
PU, Pen Up
RT, Relative Arc Three Point
PM1/PM2, Polygon Mode The Polygon Group