HP PCL/PJL reference (PCL 5 Printer Language) - Technical Reference Manual Part II

EN RA, Fill Rectangle Absolute 21-41
Figure 21-23
Move to absolute position (1200,1200) and
select fill type 3, with a 50 plu distance
between each line. Draw a rectangle with
(1200,1200) as the lower left corner and
(1600,1600) as the upper right. Using the
default line type, edge the rectangle just
; RA1600,2000;
Move to (1200,1600) and select the
cross-hatch pattern fill type. Draw a rectangle
with the current pen location as one corner
and (1600,2000) as the opposite corner.
?%0A Enter the PCL mode.
?E Send a reset to end the job and eject the page.
Table 21-23
Related Commands Group
EA, Edge Rectangle Absolute The Polygon Group
EP, Edge Polygon
ER, Edge Rectangle Relative
FP, Fill Polygon
RR, Fill Rectangle Relative
Table 21-22 Example: Using the RA Command with Different
Fill Types (continued)