HP PCL/PJL reference (PCL 5 Printer Language) - Technical Reference Manual Part II

EN FT, Fill Type 22-11
Note The relationship of the +X-axis to the +Y-axis (and the -Y-axis) can be
changed as a result of scaling point or scaling factor changes, thus
changing the direction of a positive (and negative) angle of rotation.
Types 3 and 4 use the current pen and line type defined by the Line
Type, Pen Width, and Line Attribute commands.
If the spacing between lines is defined in plotter units (no Scale
command used), turning scaling on or changing the locations of P1
and P2 has no affect on the spacing. If, however, the spacing is
defined in user-units, the spacing fluctuates with changes in the
location of P1 and P2 (the X
and X
points if scaling
is isotropic) or subsequent scaling command changes. Turning off
scaling causes the spacing to be frozen in the plotter-unit equivalent
of the current user-unit value. If the spacing is a percentage of the
diagonal distance from P1 to P2, the percentage is maintained and
spacing fluctuates with changes to P1 and P2 (the X
points if scaling is isotropic).
Note The end points of HP-GL/2 hatching fills are drawn with the current
line cap. Lines are not clipped to the polygon.
For fill type 10, the option1 parameter specifies the level of shading.
The level is specified as a percentage from 0 to 100. The following
illustration shows the available shading patterns.