HP PCL/PJL reference (PCL 5 Printer Language) - Technical Reference Manual Part II

22-16 The Line and Fill Attributes Group EN
There are three line attributes: line ends, line joins, and the miter limit.
The LA command parameters are used in pairs: the first parameter,
kind, selects a line attribute, and the second parameter, value,
defines the appearance of that attribute. The printer uses the
current line attributes when the optional parameter pairs are omitted.
z No Parameters — Defaults the line attributes to butt ends,
mitered joins, and a miter limit of 5. Equivalent to (LA1,1,2,1,3,5).
z Kind— Specifies the line attribute for which you are setting a
value. Attributes and kind parameter values are listed in the
following table.
z Value— Defines the characteristics of the attribute specified by
the kind parameter. The available values are listed in the following
table and described under each attribute.
* Lines with a width of 0.35 mm or less always have butt caps and no
join, regardless of the current attribute setting.
** Full range is 1 to 32,767, but values less than 1 are automatically
set to 1.
Table 22-8
Attribute Kind Value Description
Line Ends* 1 1 Butt (default)
2 Square
3 Triangular
4 Round
Line Joins* 2 1 Mitered (default)
2 Mitered/beveled
3 Triangular
4 Round
5 Beveled
6 No join applied
Miter Limit 3 ** 5 (default, refer to description
under Miter Limit)