HP PCL/PJL reference (PCL 5 Printer Language) - Technical Reference Manual Part II

EN Pen Status and Location 17-23
Pen Location
Pen location refers to the X,Y coordinates of the current active
position (CAP — the point at which the next HP-GL/2 command
begins). Most commands, when completed, update the pen location.
The next command then begins at that location. Some commands do
not update the current pen location. The definition of each command
tells you whether the current pen location is updated or restored. Use
the Pen Up (PU) command with the desired X,Y coordinates to lift the
pen and move it to a new location.
The Default Values (DF) command does not reset the current pen
location; the Initialize (IN) command moves it to the lower-left corner
of the PCL Picture Frame. You should specify your beginning pen
location for each HP-GL/2 drawing.