HP PCL/PJL reference (PCL 5 Printer Language) - Technical Reference Manual Part II

EN CF, Character Fill Mode 23-21
z Fill mode— Specifies how the printer renders filled characters
according to the following parameter values.
0— Specifies solid fill using the current pen and edging with
the specified pen (or current pen if the edge pen parameter is
not specified).
1— Specifies edging with the specified pen (or current pen if
the edge pen parameter is not specified). Characters are filled
only if they cannot be edged (bitmap or stick characters), using
the edge pen.
2— Specifies filled characters using the current fill type (refer
to the FT command in Chapter 20, The Line and Fill
Characteristics Group). The currently selected pen is used.
Characters are not edged. If the edge pen parameter is
specified, it is ignored.
3— Specifies filled characters using the current fill type (refer
to the FT command in Chapter 20, The Line and Fill
Characteristics Group). The currently selected pen is used.
Characters are edged with the specified pen (or current pen if
the edge pen parameter is not specified).
z Edge pen— For characters that are to be edged, this parameter
indicates the pen that is used to edge the character (black or
z 0—No edging.
z 1—Black edging. The outline pen width is not selectable, but
varies in thickness in proportion to the point size of the font.
Note that the Absolute Direction (DI) and Relative Direction (DR)
commands do not cause rotation of fill patterns. Fill patterns remain
fixed with respect to the current coordinate system. The CF command
remains in effect until another CF command is executed, or the printer
is initialized or set to default conditions.
Note The edge pen width is not specifiable; its thickness automatically
increases in proportion with the point size.