HP PCL/PJL reference (PCL 5 Printer Language) - Technical Reference Manual Part II

EN DR, Relative Direction 23-41
Figure 23-24Varying Print Direction with DR Command
Parameter Sign
A DR command remains in effect until another DR or DI command is
executed, or until the printer is initialized or set to default conditions.
Example:Using the DR Command
This example illustrates the use of positive and negative parameters,
how the LB command updates the current pen location, and how DR
updates the Carriage Return point.
Note that this is the same example shown with the DI command. The
only changes are switching the DI to DR and using the 1:0 ratio
instead of the sine and cosine. However, if you print them both and
measure them, you’ll discover that they are slightly different sizes.
The size difference results from the DR command’s use of the
percentage of the P2/P1 distance.
Note Labels begin at the current pen location and thus are drawn parallel to
the directional line, not necessarily on it.