HP PCL/PJL reference - Printer Job Language Technical Reference Manual

EN Glossary-5
PJL Current Environment
The PJL Current Environment is the set of features that is active when
a PJL job is entered. As soon as a PJL job is entered, the PJL Current
Environment settings are the same as the User Default Environment.
Applications then can modify the PJL Current Environment values
using the PJL SET command. The PJL Current Environment provides
a base set of values when entering a printer language.
A PJL job is any print job containing PJL commands. Properly formed
PJL jobs always begin and end with the UEL command.
PJL Reset Condition
A PJL reset condition prompts the printer to load the User Default
values into the PJL Current Environment, which are then loaded into
the Modified Print Environment. In this document, the term PJL reset
condition refers to any of the following events: a power-on, UEL
command (when not between a JOB/EOJ command pair), the @PJL
Also included are other printer-specific events, such as control panel
reset, a printer language-specific exit command (when not between a
JOB/EOJ pair), such as ^D for PostScript, and data stream idle
timeouts (see Appendix A for information about job boundaries and
timeouts for the HP LaserJet 4 and 5 printer families).
Poorly Formed Print Job
A print job which either starts or ends with an invalid data stream
sequence. For example, any job that does not begin and end with a
UEL command is a poorly formed job. This manual describes how to
create properly formed print jobs and contains many examples to
demonstrate them. See Chapters 1 – 3 and Chapter 11 for more
information about creating well-formed jobs.
Print Environment
The group of all the printer's current feature settings, collectively, is
referred to as the print environment. The print environment is
modified using printer commands and control panel settings.