HP PCL/PJL reference - Printer Job Language Technical Reference Manual

10-2 Job Management EN
Each variable is described in the following paragraphs. The variable
descriptions are followed by a job management example.
HOLD Variable
Specifies the retention classification of the job, indicating whether the
job is printed immediately or stored.
HOLDKEY Variable
The HOLDKEY variable acts as a password to protect a held job. It is
a four-digit string that is specified in the job stream. A HOLDKEY
value must be specified if HOLDTYPE is PRIVATE (otherwise, the job
will be considered PUBLIC). The variable value can be any four-digit
value from 0000 to 9999. The default value is “”.
Values Value Description
(OFF) The job is printed but not retained on the disk after
printing. This is the default.
ON The requested number of copies are printed and the
job is temporarily stored on disk. The job is then
available for printing additional copies through the
control panel and through JetAdmin. The number of
jobs that can be stored is limited by disk space. When
the limit is exceeded, the oldest job is removed from
the disk.
PROOF One copy of the job is printed and remaining copies
are stored on disk. The job is then available to select
for printing via the control panel menus or through
JetAdmin. The job will be deleted from the disk when
the disk space is needed for another Proof and Hold
job but only after the additional copies have been
printed. It will also be deleted when the user sends
down another Proof and Hold job with the same job
name, or if the user explicitly deletes the job.
STORE The job is not printed immediately but is retained on
disk. The job is available to select for printing via the
control panel (PRIVATE/ STORED JOBS menu) or
through JetAdmin. The job will not be deleted from the
disk after printing.