HP PCL/PJL reference - Printer Job Language Technical Reference Manual

EN Programming Tips for Using PJL 11-1
Programming Tips for
Using PJL
When using most printer languages, there is usually more than one
way to perform a certain printing function. PJL is no exception.
Properly formed PJL jobs provide the developer with the desired
features while eliminating glitches. This chapter provides tips for
creating efficient PJL jobs that eliminate potential problems.
Note Improperly coded print jobs may work fine in a single-computer/
single-printer environment running only one application, but cause
problems in a multi-application or shared network environment.
The first part of this chapter categorizes PJL applications into three
general types, and provides guidance and examples for each type.
The remainder of the chapter provides hints for handling specific
situations, including using status readback in a multi-user system.
Note For information about products newer than those included in this
book, see the Printer Job Language Technical Reference Addendum,
which includes product-specific information about newer products, as
well as commands and variables added to PJL to support these
newer products.