HP StorageWorks XP Provisioning Manager User Guide (December 2005)

Troubleshooting 149
Table 11-6 Troubleshooting Information: General Host Settings (continues on the following pages)
Problem Cause Recommended Action
A timeout might have occurred for the
Device Manager agent due to a
command such as an OS command
taking a long time to execute.
View the Device Manager agent
error log (error.log) to check
whether a command execution error
has occurred. Also, view the
information output in the log to check
whether a timeout (java
IllegalStateException) has occurred.
If a device configuration
command, such as the AIX
command cfgmgr, the
Solaris™ command cfgadm, or
the HP-UX command ioscan,
that usually takes only a few
seconds to complete takes a
long time, there might be a
problem in the settings for host,
OS, or HBA. Alternatively, many
invalid device files might exist
due to a reason such as many
paths have been disconnected.
View the OS log or OS
documentation to remove the
cause, and then try again.
If a timeout occurs when a
command is executed, re-set the
timeout value. Use the time
command to calculate how long
the command execution took,
and set the timeout value so that
it is about twice the calculated
If a timeout occurs due to the
hldutil command taking a
long time to execute, see the
Device Manager Release Notes
to re-set the timeout value.
The system workload on the
host may have increased
because multiple processes or
applications were executed.
Stop any unnecessary
processes and applications, and
then re-execute.
A configuration of a larger-scale
than Provisioning Manager
performance may have been set
up. A timeout is more likely to
occur when the above causes
occur concurrently. See HP
StorageWorks XP Provisioning
Manager Installation and
Configuration Guide, set the
timeout value to a larger value
than the initial value, and then
re-execute. Set the timeout
value so that the value is about
twice as long as the execution
time that was calculated by
using the time command.