HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.5.0-00 User Guide (TB584-96070, July 2013)

remote paths
about, 113
conditions, 113
creating, 113, 114
deleting, 317
editing, 315
managing, 315
wizard, 114
remote_MU, 376
generation, 162
about, 375, 394, 395
check status workflow, 425
concealing secondary volumes, 61
configuration requirements, 389
create (workflow), 395
creating, 383, 396
data protection status, 293, 294
data types, 389
generations, 151, 375
information stores, 400
mounting/unmounting, 424
precautions, 378, 394
resources, 425
restoring, 386, 402
restoring (simple), 403
restoring from history, 404
roll forward, 398
rotation, 375
scheduling, 397
tape, 418
tape backups, 411
VDI Meta File Generation Timeout, 64
verification, 62
resource group
about, 85
adding hosts to, 87
adding storage systems to, 87
adding users to, 88
creating, 86
deleting, 359
deleting multple, 360
editing, 356
management, 355
removing host, 357
removing subsystem, 358
removing user, 358
viewing, 357
viewing individual, 357
management, 92
Restore Replica Wizard, 402
resync, 98, 121, 170, 221
retention period, 137
about, 137
editing, 138
viewing, 138
Reveal Secondary volumes option, 61
RPM-00451 error message, 182
RPO, 21
RTO, 21
S-VOL, 147
about tasks, 170
copy pair configuration definitions, 149
Pair Configuration Wizard, 143
Scheduling Tasks, 173
task execution, modifying, 174
tasks, editing, 174
user passwords, changing, 341, 347
users and permissions, 79
warning banner, 365
server.agent.rm.cuLdevForm property, 150
server.agent.rm.exclusion.instance, 161
server.agent.rm.horcmSource property, 150
server.agent.rm.pairDefinitionForm property,
sidefile usage
exporting, 435
checking buffer usage, 291
performance monitoring, 287
about, 92
adding, 93
adding storage systems, 95
deleting, 327, 328
editing, 325
hosts, adding, 94
hosts, removing, 326
pair management servers, 96, 327
removing storage systems from, 326
set up, 92
viewing, 325
viewing (individual), 325
Snapshot, 115, 166
snapshot image, 287
SNMP email, 275, 286
Monitoring Resource Utilization (Pools and
Journal Groups), 290
SNMP trap, 125, 275, 329, 427, 430
SP-VOL, 147
speed, 121
split, 221
User Guide 485